While scrolling deep through Unknown in grid view, I often notice the same observation appears multiple times. It seems to happen around where I scroll to the bottom and a new batch of observations is fetched.
ex: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?page=7&place_id=any&subview=grid&iconic_taxa=unknown - scroll down and when new observations appear, you should see a few images that are duplicates. if you hover over them, the URLs are the same. I’m using Chrome.
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2016 - wow am I late to the party! 
I navigated here from this related (closed) bug report:
That bug report was based on Chrome and Firefox. I can recreate it using Safari 14.1.2 on Mac OS 10.14.6 (Mojave).
I have seen this a few times, and it annoyed me. At first I thought the observer had made duplicate observations, but this was not the case. I forgot to post it here, but apparently it is already in the Forum.
i’ve experienced this bug ever since joining iNat 9 years ago. seems like it has received little to no attention since the last activity on the github link, which was in 2019.
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For some context, it’s not that the staff are intentionally avoiding fixing this specific bug, it’s that the entire Explore page is going to be redesigned and updated, so they mostly aren’t making any small changes or fixes to the current one.