Fontes de nomes comuns?

Olá, que fontes podem ser usadas para completar os nomes comuns de uma espécie?

Por exemplo, Turdus merula já tem nome comum (Melro), mas se não tivesse poderia usar um livro como o Guia de Aves para adicionar um? (Escolhi aves como exemplo mas parece que me saiu o tiro pela culatra pois quase todos já têm nome comum; os que não têm não encontro no livro)

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Olá! (Vou responder em inglês para que o resto dos utilizadores do fórum possam compreender. Se for necessário podemos discutir isto em português via mensagem)

I don’t believe there is an established source for common names. The sugestion is to use the most widely used name. You can find them in field guides or online platforms like Wikipedia, Encyclopedia of Life, etc.

Common names are not established and unique. Even in a given language (lets say portuguese) the common name changes from place to place, region to region. So finding an unique source for common names is not possible

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A single species can have multiple common names, including multiple names even in the same language, so you can add a common name that is already in usage and provide the source/citation when you do. The source could be a print source like a book, weblink, personal experience (this may be the case with many countries where common names have not been documented in formal sources), or potentially others.

Only curators can edit existing names, though, so if there is a change that needs to be made, you can flag a taxon for curation and add the relevant info in a comment.

If a species doesn’t have a common name in usage, that’s also totally fine - please don’t create any new ones on iNat!


Hey, thanks @joaolemoslima and @cthawley for the replies. I wrote in Portuguese because the question is mostly relevant to Portuguese speakers (and others observing in Portugal). I hope that’s not a problem as I couldn’t find any Portuguese categories/tags.

Regarding common names not being unique, yes, I’m aware! :) Clearly there was some room for interpretation in my post.

For one, I’m mostly interested to know if using books and other copyrighted works is OK. But also to learn of sources of common names other naturalists know of (specifically in Portugal/Portuguese-speaking regions).

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