Is it possible to select between two common names in the same language?

So, I was exploring a bit about the “names” section in taxonomy, when I found that for some reason, there are 2 portuguese common names for Bellis perennis.

Is there a way for me to select which one I want to be displayed on my observations for the species?

I really do not know, but I do know that there can be many names for different organisms. I believe that the first named organism will come up. I believe so

Yes, add a place or flag the common name for a curator.

I’m pretty sure the name that shows up now was added recently, as I remember the same observation having the other common name

But if I add a place there will be 3 names (two for Portuguese and one for the place “Portugal”)…
This sounds wrong to me

Is the new one wrong or not #1 used? Because you can still use all of common names listed.

A couple of things. The ‘place’ is assigned as something about a name, it is not an additional entry. So for example the use in the place Canada is something about and in the record for the English name Grey Catbird.

Secondly, unless you created the name, or are a site curator, you can edit it, only flag the taxon and ask it be done.

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It is not wrong, and I dont have enough data to state that it is not the #1 used in the country. In my region the new name is not the most common to be used, so that was why I was asking this

So just to check i I understood correctly:

1 - You can assign a place to a pre-existing name? And that doesn’t create a new “name entry”?

2 - Only curators or name creators can do the above?

Correct on both.

Assigning a place to a name only impacts what is shown in the display for users who have chosen that place in their account configuration. It does not mean if you set a name for use in Canada, it automatically displays for any observation done in Canada.


It is not the most “user friendly” feature, but I understand why it exists. Thanks for the help!!

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