For those of you who are visual artists, do you like to draw/paint anything from nature?

I enjoy wood burning. Just finished my knife today. Kinda hard to show how it wraps around. I put a video on my story on ig (@sunguramy) if you’re curious.


Oh, that is super nice!

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I’ve made a card game based on some animal illustrations I’ve done - animals in Scotland or animals that kids can find in the gardens in the UK mostly, although there are some further afield! Very much enjoy sketching them all out and researching the facts :)

This sort of thing! I’ve got more of them on instagram if anyone is interested: Ecodex Instagram


Jonathan, those are gorgeous!!

Thank you very much! :) They’re a lot of fun to draw, and its cool knowing the card game is out there helping people learn more about animals too!

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I am obsessed with drawing or painting animals, mostly birds and butterflies since I was probably 6 years old. When I was little I used to look through my mom’s field guides and pick a butterfly species and make a fairy out of it, I would even go out of my way to use the female patterning. I also came up with my own species which had scientific names (mostly gibberish) and everything - they were often EXTREMELY colorful. Nowadays I stick to realism and I learn about the species while I work, but I still do a fairy every once in a while :) @Strawberrytart I’m going to try some spiders next - I love them and you have inspired me! I saw a Micrathena species yesterday and have developed an interest in that genus, maybe I’ll start there!


If anyone here is into (or getting into) digital drawing and painting, I have to tell you about a great deal going on now with a piece of software I’ve used for years and hold it to be one of the best for painting/drawing and in particular, watercolour. It’s Rebelle, by Escape Motions. It runs on Mac and Windows (no mobile version, and it requires a pretty decent system to run… but so do almost all the good art apps!)

But the big news is that EM is celebrating their 10th anniversary by putting their software on sale at an incredible price… 10 bucks. (regularly $150)

If you’re not sure, there’s a demo you can try. But trust me, this is a killer deal. (I hope I don’t get in trouble plugging a product here, but I don’t get a thing for doing this, if that helps!) Or, if you know somebody into digital art, and who hasn’t got it yet. Let 'em know. It’s on for nine more days.


EDIT (Oct. 10): I just found out today (5 days later) that Escape Motions was offering a nice thank you gift for anyone promoting their deal. So full disclosure: I will get some digital paper package (about $10 value) for having posted this. But I figure, it’s after the fact, so I don’t feel guilty. Honestly, even without the little thank you gift, I have no problem recommending to anyone who has ever wanted to try out digital painting/drawing–or who has never tried Rebelle, to take this deal while it’s on.

I love to draw nature! I draw a lot of human character designs but I often like to incorporate animal motifs or companions – for example, these (blurry, sorry) illustrations of some wizard’s familiars: a Heerman’s gull, a coyote, and an American alligator.
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Yes, I’m probably of a very small niche that likes to paint wasps, lol. I try to maintain realism while not being strictly ‘natural history illustration.’ I paint from my own observations, but from photos as trying to draw wasps live in nature is… tricky.


That is a stunning piece of art!

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I’ve always loved drawing birds, but wish I was more focused and less easily distracted! I recently bought some decent brushes and acrylics and had a go painting. I’m finding it quite tricky getting used to paint and mixing - my first effort below needs re-visiting as I’m not happy with some of the colour. I’ve also added a drawing of a tui that we had regularly visiting our nectar feeder. You may well be thinking why does it only have one leg? It had a paralysed leg that it was just able to hold slightly behind so it is behind the perch! The third picture was just me messing around with Maori design - a present for our then neighbours’ child.



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Thank you!

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What’s that first bird? It’s very pretty but I don’t recognize it.

It’s a Plate-billed Mountain Toucan, we saw them in Ecuador.

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wow! thats amazing!

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I’m a big fan of realism, that’s just stunning!

Contrary to the bulk of nature art fans perhaps, I’m a big fan of interpretive work.

It takes guts to put your own style into the work. Great stuff!


I enjoy realism, but have to admit that interpretive work is more fun and gives you freedom to experiment.

Personally, I love to draw animals (and plants too), though my drawing aren’t really scientifically accurate. Lately, I illustrate my local animals in situations I have seen them in. Here are some works I could find:

The drawing of the tree is an almond tree (unfinished for like 2 years :joy:) with drawings of only insects I have seen in my garden, and only native birds I have specifically seen on that tree. The other is of a skipper butterfly (Ocybadistes walkeri) with a fantasy background and garden snail. :)