Help locating Pine Barrens Tree Frogs in New Jersey

Hello! Lately, I’ve been very interested in searching for and locating (visually, not audibly) Pine Barrens Tree Frogs in NJ this summer. I’ve done a good deal of research and tried to learn about all known populations in the Pine Barrens. I’ve heard from multiple sources that there’s an active population on the campus of Stockton University.
If anybody has any tips regarding the best regions to find them, the best time of day and time of year to locate them, and just general tips for tracking them down, that’d be much appreciated - thank you!

Right about now would probably be a great time to go looking for them? especially if you go out at night with a flashlight since all the treefrogs are breeding. I’d probably listen for the calls (sort of like a lower pitched, nasally green tree frog call) and try to locate them from there
Best of luck! Probably one of my favorite frogs here in NJ next to carpenter frogs (another one of the pine barrens guys)

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This is really not a good idea to post publicly. They are considered threatened in NJ and their habitat is sensitive. Unless you’re doing research or otherwise know what you’re doing I would avoid disturbing their habitat for the sake of the species.


Also a good point, yeah. If they’re on a campus I’d assume that place might be public info in the right circles, but also, yeah, never good to draw too much attention to spots where locally or generally threatened things are, especially if that area might be degraded if its developed, didnt really consider that before responding since in my head I just kinda went “oh yeah they’re treefrogs, probably not too hard to find them as long as you’re in the habitat”

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Yes, I wouldn’t post specific locations here due to the reasons mentioned above. In general, I’ve had the best luck finding H. andersonii by road cruising on moist nights in areas where you know they are and listening for calls which are pretty distinctive. You can get them to call back if you do a decent imitation. They are usually in pretty inaccessible/brushy locations, so be ready to get wet, bit by mosquitoes, and scratched up.

Please don’t disturb any sensitive vegetation and of course don’t collect while you’re out there.


I obviously didn’t want to cause something negative here, and I was never looking for specific locations/etc just general tips. I apologize if I went about this wrong. I won’t draw more attention than needed and will be careful/responsible.


I still got a lot out of the “how to discover tree frogs in your area” general tips that were shared here- thanks folks! :)


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