Is there anyone else here that enjoys tinkering around with home-made digital photo tech? That’s a pretty short lens for such a huge topic, but I’d like to know what others are up to in working out new ways to get better or new type of shots by using/modding/hacking existing gear into some interesting solutions?
I was inspired to ask this based on my recent purchase of a new (used) smartphone, a Samsung Note 10 Plus. Nothing really too new in this package as compared to other Note models I’ve owned, but one thing that I only recently discovered was the new ‘Night Mode’. I had read that it was not nearly as good as people hoped it to be but I read about how it performs a kind of image stacking technique to reduce noise levels in a long exposure and decided to give it a shot, or two.
This is the view of my backyard at around 10pm a few nights ago using just standard photo mode:
Then there’s this shot, in night mode, which was a 14 sec exposure taken by holding the phone against a window frame for steadiness.
Same shot, tweaked with Curves, through Snapseed:
Wow. That was pretty impressive for a phone. It’s an interesting result that makes me wonder how I could adapt it to field-observing. Yes, it requires anywhere from 2 to 14 sec (not user choosable, that choice seems to go by the phone sensing the steadiness of the phone before shooting), but hmm… a low-light-level bug trap? Or…?
Anyhow, this is just one example of what I’m talking about. What kind of stuff are you messing around with in trying to develop novel shooting setups? Please share!