Its easy to find all the flags I have made but to find flags anybody has made for a particular taxon doesn’t appear possible. What am I missing?
Its easy to find all the flags I have made but to find flags anybody has made for a particular taxon doesn’t appear possible. What am I missing?
Just to be clear, this gives you all flags on that exact taxa. It’s not clear if you want all flags on one specific thing or all the way down through the taxonomy tree.
So for instance that link and taxa_id 3 (which is class Aves) will show all flags directly on the Aves species concept, not all flags on all children of birds.
To see flags on a taxon and all its descendants, head to the flags homepage and under Content Type select Taxon.
Press Filter and a taxon search box will appear:
Change to Resolved=Any to view all flags, current and past.
all flags on genus Liquidambar and descendants:✓&flagger_type=any&flagger_name=&flagger_user_id=&user_name=&user_id=&flaggable_type=Taxon&taxon_name=Liquidambar&taxon_id=49661&flags[]=spam&flags[]=copyright+infringement&flags[]=inappropriate&flags[]=other&reason_query=&resolved=any&resolver_name=&resolver_user_id=&commit=Filter&utf8=✓&flagger_user_id=&commit=Filter
That’s what I was looking for, a “hidden” drop-down :) Thank you.
You might consider voting for this very niche feature request. :)
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