How do I update my username on the forum?

I would like to know how to change my forum username to match my iNaturalist profile. If I need to request a change please update my username to @RangerMyles. More infomation: Thank you.

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Are you not able to do it in Preferences?

  1. Click on your user menu (upper right-hand corner)
  2. Click on the person icon, then click on Preferences:

You should be able to change your username in the Account section of your preferencees.

Yeah, I don’t see an edit on my username either. It might be set that way to prevent frequent changes and confusion that can go along with that?

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I’m not sure. @cthawley do you use iNat to log in to the forum?

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Not sure on how I’ve logged in in the past actually. I’ve only had to log in a couple times!

I just logged out and back in “manually” (not using iNat). Still doesn’t show a way to change my username (again, not interested in doing that myself).

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God I regret making my user name @TheWoah I wish I could make it matchup


Seems strange you can update your username on iNat itself but not on the forum.

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The forum is hosted and uses software by, we didn’t create it. Discourse’s default setting allows a user to change their username up to three days after they create their account, to prevent people from changing their name frequently, which could be confusing and/or disruptive. I agree with that reasoning.

You can always request a username change from @forum_moderators, but we would really like for people here to have the same username as their iNat account, so I wouldn’t want a username to to be changed unless it’s to align it with the person’s iNat username.


Thanks, that’s actually exactly what I’d like. “shanesmicroscope”, if you please =).


You probably already know it is a easier to change your profile pic, at least. I change mine fairly frequently as I’ve gained weight this year (hangs head :disappointed:).


Yeah I thought about it. I started making a new pfp (profile pic if you dont know what a pfp is)