It is confusing for an island restricted subspecies of conservation concern to inherit statuses from other irrelevant jurisdictions. How do you update the subspecies statuses when they don’t show up on the subspecies profile page in edit mode?
San Clemente loggerhead shrike (L. l. m.) is restricted to one island in California and legally endangered. The full species of loggerhead shrike (L. l.) occurs all across North America.
The subspecies profile page under status has statuses that are apparently cascaded from the full species and have little to no relevancy for the restricted subspecies. The status in Canadian provinces and the status from eastern states of the USA are confusing and misleading.
I would like to edit this but the statuses seen on the subspecies page are not visible/editable when you go in to edit the subspecific taxon.
By update do you mean that the species-level information is incorrect/out-of-date and you want to fix it? Or do you mean you want to remove it from the subspecies page?
It can’t be removed from the subspecies page without also removing it from the species page.
If you just want to modify the species-level status to reflect newer information, you can go to the species page and edit the status on the species.
Almost all of the statuses shown for Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi should be removed. They don’t make sense, they are irrelevant, and they imply this island restricted subspecies occurs, or once occurred, all across North America.
OK, it can’t be done. This is really confusing and misleading.
Hi Brian,
I agree that the way it’s displayed now is extremely confusing. One way that would help ease confusion a little would be to list the taxon name that the status applies to next to the status. So someone could see that “Endangered” applies to this subspecies and “Near Threatened” applies to the parent species.
Another odd thing is that the species statuses are displayed on the intraspecific pages but the infra statuses aren’t displayed on the species page.
It’s an area that needs work but probably isn’t high on the development priorities list since they’re not used by a lot of people.