How many observations from me? And how many species?

If I go into my iNaturalist-account I can see, how many observations I have uploaded, and to how many species they belong.

When I do the same procedure five minute later, I get a similar, yet different result. How is this possible? The systeme is objective wrong, anyway!

The species count could change if some of the observations had been identified to species (or changed from one species to another, or a species ID withdrawn) in those five minutes. I don’t know why the observation number would change.


Did you upload observations right before checking your profile? It takes some time for the numbers to update.


not possible to answer your situation here without some screenshots of what you’re seeing, as there are multiple different reasons depending on where you’re looking


No, I didn´t. Today I locked in iNaturalist the normal way, had the impression of “wrong” numbers, and looked for myself with the use of my personal nickname-petzenbeer-. And the numbers differed. I have experiented this phenomenom a lot of times in the past.

You looked at your profile, saw how many observations you had, then searched for “observations by (you)” and got a different number? Because that could be a matter not ticking off the “verifiable” filter, which would subtract casual observations in the second number

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As noted above, it isn’t possible to explain this in detail or determine whether there is a bug without more information, including the specific ways that a user accessed these counts. Links and screenshots will be needed. These stats are reported differently by different parts of iNat, whether browser vs app is used etc. There are a lot of threads on the forum about this you can read, some examples:


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