How to add or modify a location to some of my observations?

I travel in places like Botswana where the GPS reception is poor.
I do not have the physical possibility to put actual location of my observations.
The observations upload with my homebase, Marseille, location or none at all.
I cannot see how to add or modify an observation location in inaturalist.
Help please. Kevin

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Hi @flute-expert and welcome to the iNaturalist forums! You can edit the location of your observations in the iOS and Android apps, and via the web interface.

You can do this by zooming in on the map within the mobile app or by editing on the website and tapping/clicking where it was observed. You indicate a “general area” by dragging one of the points around the circle further from the center point to as accurate a location as you can estimate.

If you’re having trouble with this feel free to post a screenshot here so we can help.

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You can check out the “Getting Started” page which has instructions for doing this on the web ( but not as much for the apps.

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