How to fix status "Establishment means" given the proliferation of checklists?

I found today that observations of a plant species (Terminalia buceras) are listed as “introduced” in Colombia and the Dominican Republic, where they are native (according to Powo).

So I started to fix this by changing the status from “introduced” to “native” in the respective country checklists.
I then saw that there are a hughe number of checklists with the same wrong Establishment means. It seems there is a checklist for every Province and Nature reserve in Columbia and the Dominican Republic…

So from the technical point of view, i am asking: Is there any shortcut to changing the status in all these lists? Or does one have to go through all the Province and Nature reserve lists manually?

From a philosophical point of view my question is: I am pretty sure that in most cases there is no literature to back up the “introduced” or “native” status on the level of Provinces and Nature Reserves for small countries like the Dominican Republic. How does one justify the generation of such data out of thin air?

Thanks for your technical / philosophical support!

There is an option to set checklist presence for places nested within another place (like within a state). However, it often causes a lot of problems and makes so many entries that it makes the Establishment Means/Place list really unwieldy. This may have been what happened in your situations. So, users can use this option (not sure if it is only available to curators or not?), but should do so carefully.

Thanks for that technical tip @cthawley. Yes seems that’s an option that only curators have.
So i flag the taxon for an curators intervention then?

See a fairly detailed discussion of this topic here: (includes links to a related feature request).

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