How to get observed species from iconic taxa with iNaturalist API v1

I want all the unique species observed in a project for a given iconic taxa using API v1, available at

My problem is that the species count on iNaturalist website for the project and the one that I get as the API response, don’t match.

For example, on iNaturalist website, for taxa Amphibia, the species count for project id 226503 is 7. See this link -

But I get different count, 11, when I try to retrieve data using the API -

I am sure that I need to change the API parameters to get consistent results with the website.

I will appreciate any pointers. Thank you.

Thank you so much. I totally missed the API endpoint.

The unobserved_by_user_id parameter is not required now, but you still have to provide the hrank=species parameter.