How to gets stats on identifications per day?

Please don’t laugh, but I’d like to be able to know how many observations for others I did on a given day, and to see trends in my identifying. Is that possible? I don’t see a way to search by day of identification…


Not a direct answer but this heat map is fun - replace my name with yours

I have lost my link (but @ydobon has added it, see below) - when iNat updates stats as the year turns. You have good graphics across the last year. With the spikes for CNC (and a littler spike for GSB for me way down South)


That’s an interesting map, @dianastuder. As you scroll into it, it resolves into the familiar pinpoint observation map. The last two numbers appear to be latitude and longitude for the point the map is centered on. What about the number after the ‘#’ sign? That also changes as you zoom around the map, but what does it mean?

Always amazing to see what data is available from iNat with a simple modification of a URL!


The most recent 10,000 IDs for others can be found here in reverse order(swap out the user_id):

It’s not a search, but if you’re determined, you can find out how many IDs for others that you made on a given day within that time frame.


The general :id: stats can also be received via this script, but this won’t let you choose a certain time interval


Thank you! That lists the time of ID too, that’s helpful!

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(Replace the “ydobon” part of the link with your username)

If you scroll down, you can see how many identifications you have done on a day, and how many you have done in a week, etc.

To get up to date information, you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Regenerate Stats”


That’s easier than my method. I can do it with an API call, but assembling the link requires me to know the date, includung the time zone, of interest.

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Last time we discussed that - we decided it is the zoom level?

@ydobon thanks - that is the link I meant. With the good graphics.


Interesting map! I feel like it shows pretty well not only the density of life in those areas, but also the density of observers.
You may also be interested in this kind of map that does something similar. Like with Dianastruder’s, just replace my name with yours in the url.

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With a wider context of human demography behind the biodiversity. Where do locals have both the time available, and the interest in biodiversity, where has iNat reached? Or are obs from visiting scientists, or tourists? When I am IDing for Africa, I recently had obs in Ethiopia … and the gaps on the iNat map begin to dot in.

CV is my mustard friend (and I stretch the French corner of my brain ;~)


The number of identifications you’ve made in a given period of time can be obtained by modifying the following URLs.

Your identifications on 24 April 2023:

All your identifications for April 2023:

All your identifications for 2023:

If you have the interest and the ability, these data can be retrieved from the API and can be queried in greater detail, either with the parameters provided by iNaturalist or by using external analytical environments. More information is available on the API documentation page:!/Identifications/get_identifications

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although more difficult, using the API is probably the better way to get the information. the other method that you mentioned seems a bit squishy. these return the same results:

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