How to properly do Annotations?

Not sure how to explain this in English, but a Observation have an incorrect Annotation. For examples is an egg case, but observer added Juvenile, and also, this observer disagree with his annotation. I know Agree and Disagree can move to the conversation, but how I do the correct anotation of this observation, or is not possible at all? Is there a way to asses this issue? I was alerted to this, as I tried to add “egg”, but it was not possible. He was trying to add this observation to a personal project of chondrichthyan eggs.

Annotations can only be changed by the observer; best thing to do is leave a comment on the observation explaining the situation and asking them to fix it.

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Apparently he is not online anymore :(


You can personally message him/her on iNaturalist message or from the email id on their profile and hope they will reply :)

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I don’t know what group you are trying to apply this to, but sometimes the finer annotations are not available. I also find it a little frustrating when there are more than one life stage involved (adult moth and eggs).
EDIT (a day later) Or when there are a mating pair. There is only one box for sex.


@mamestraconfigurata This is something we can convey to the developers. I am part of a project where they collect mating observations and a way to identify sexes will definitely help (

Like you have mentioned, I recently observed a female moth laying bunch of eggs, so I had duplicated the observation one for the female and one for the eggs.

There could also be an additional box put under sexes with male/female as both together (mating/courtship). Also how about hermaphrodites animals and plants with dimorphism.

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You could try or post a request in the Features Request heading on this forum. Both of those usually get a prompt response.

I tried to add the Egg annotation to added it in this project (which only admitds elasmobranch eggs). It would be less cumbersome be able to change it instead ask the observer to fix it.

[please don’t post links to other observations in this context, I removed it]

There’re tons of observations fields to put for mating, etc., annotations won’t change the way to capture both male and female as observation is suited for one specimen, dupliating it is a good way to capture that!

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