I can't have fun with Zootopia! the naturalist dilemma?

In 2025, we will be able to see Zootopia 2, the sequel to Disney’s Zootopia from 2016. But what frustrates me a little is knowing that, despite being called Zootopia, we don’t see any taxa other than mammals. Should the movie be called Mastozootopia or even Theriotopia? Lol, just wondering if anyone else has had the same thought.
The movie is fun, but we just need more biodiversity in it.


When thinking about animals, many people are biased toward mammals, for some reason. Birds and fish are animals too! Everything from gall wasps to sea slugs are animals. I’ve heard someone say “[…] animals, insects, and mollusks” before, as if insects and mollusks weren’t animals. It would be cool for a movie to focus on some underrepresented taxa but I’m sure it would be much more difficult to catch the attention of people, though. I’m still hoping :crossed_fingers:


Bug’s Life and Ants come to mind.


And Turbo!

I mean, we are mammals too so it’s kind of understandable why we’d have a bias towards them/us/whatever :D

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