I have the Inaturalist app should I get the seek inaturalist app?

I have the Inaturalist app should I also download the seek inaturalist app?

unless you’re into the badges and challenges in Seek, i would say that you should just use the iNaturalist app. when the next version of the iNat app makes it to Android (currently available for public testing in iOS), you should get the AR camera feature, which i think is the main reason why i see most iNat users also using the Seek app.


I don’t have the Seek app; I think it makes iNat into more of a game. If you want that, then by all means get seek! Otherwise I think the regular app or iNat Next work fine by themselves.

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Y’all answered my question thanks!


I use all three apps: the old iNaturalist app for record keeping, iNat Next for uploading, and Seek for the badges and challenges. Yes, I do upload observation from Seek but it’s not the best uploading option but it is fun.

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