#IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week

I was going to check captive/cultivated observations for my area to pull out what might have gone in by accident and came across a whole slew of humans. Turns out some folks have been going through marking enough humans “captive” that iNat has now started applying that label automatically in my area even if the picture doesn’t show an organism at all but just some piece of trash or other human artifact. This has come up before (https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/captive-cultivated-is-not-just-a-waste-bin/29917). So just another plea to please refrain from marking humans as “captive” - it’s not needed to get them into casual, just ID as human and it will end up there anyway. It just makes it harder for those of us who do look at the “captive/cultivated” bin every now and then to find the goodies among all the trash.