I’ve been feeling, after all this bioblitzing, that those who Identify so many observations deserve some more explicit recognition than I’ve given them thus far. This is rather poor, but the best I’ve come up with:
Any old schmo like me or you
can take a picture of trailside poo
And any young fool like you or me
Can snap a selfie with a whatsit-tree
I photograph somebugs all day long
and make recordings of a tweet-bird’s song
Little brown mushrooms with just-so gills
and shiny herbs on last-burned hills
Bumps in stems, a vine that weaves
hairy spots on odd-shaped leaves
So much fun to just observe
but then what function does that serve?
I’d be lost in knowless mires
without iNat’s identifiers!
My position would be fetal
if @borisb knew not a beetle
And I’d just be a fungus-smeller
sans clues from @alan_rockefeller
Over snails I’d sure be tossin’
without the help of good @tlawson
So thanks to @woody54
and cheers @wildmare64
And the drum I’ll loudly bang
for @richardwasson and @catchang
I cannot rhyme with @jenniferchandler
but she sure is an ID handler
@graysquirrel is a guide to me
and IDs most of what I see
All of these and many more
raise my roof and boost my floor
Experts, friends, and those that know
are what make my interest grow
Gratefully I tag their names
and sing out their well earned acclaims