#IdentiFriday is the happiest day of the week


Ok, then after city nature challenge (maybe you part of that challenge anyways)

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I was going to check captive/cultivated observations for my area to pull out what might have gone in by accident and came across a whole slew of humans. Turns out some folks have been going through marking enough humans “captive” that iNat has now started applying that label automatically in my area even if the picture doesn’t show an organism at all but just some piece of trash or other human artifact. This has come up before (https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/captive-cultivated-is-not-just-a-waste-bin/29917). So just another plea to please refrain from marking humans as “captive” - it’s not needed to get them into casual, just ID as human and it will end up there anyway. It just makes it harder for those of us who do look at the “captive/cultivated” bin every now and then to find the goodies among all the trash.


It’s Wednesday, but if you can help me clearing out city project before our unofficial CNC participation, it’d be greatly appreciated! We have pretty low % of needs id, partially thanks to your help last year, but still there’re 12k observations. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?project_id=bioraznoobrazie-sankt-peterburga
Also, because of iders deleting accounts, check the oldest observations for the easiest ids.


one more Friday before this year’s City Nature Challenge…


Are you serious? I may have also fell in that category, anyways.

I am serious to the extent that a certain amount of obsession is helpful when there is a large amount of somewhat tedious work to be done. However, I am using the word “madmen” quite loosely in this context; I doubt that most people who use iNaturalist a lot find that it interferes with their daily lives in a negative way.



There are soooo many misidentified russulas. Tbh at this point it is my default genus when i just want to do cleanup


I’m waiting for chili to simmer so I decided to sit down for a session of nice, easy, abundant spring IDs, so I opened up the ID tab, typed in ‘Allium’ and ‘Ohio’ and I’m just sitting down and IDing ramps, right?

There are so many formerly research grade IDs of A. tricoccum that have been bounced up to complex level and are no longer considered research grade because their range overlaps in our area with A. burdickii. Literally thousands



Glad you mentioned this, because I came by the thread to give an “ID Challenge teaser”: Upcoming, a chance to help build a reference set for future South African bioblitzes, even including the kind of distant tree(s?) obs that are so common in bioblitzes. They’ll hopefully end up at RG by the end, so that nonAfrican iders, for example, can have a place to compare known-id plants. Or maybe it will help the CV get better at the distant trees.

All those “prominent Tony” obs (out of multiple prominent Tonys on iNat ;) ) sitting as “Unknown” while waiting for their RG ids? Many of the older ones will be the challenge set! Meanwhile, I’ll pass advance notice from that particular Tony that he’d like Unknown ider’s to mainly avoid his most recent 1.5 months’ worth of unlabeled records at any particular time, not just during challenges, to smooth his own iNat workflows. Thanks for help with that!

But this will be happening sometime after CNC for sure, since many people will be focused on more recent obs for a bit with that.


Those … distant … daunting trees. I will try if there are closeups too. We have a few tree identifiers - but it is only fair to offer photos that DO show identifiable details.

Trees are why I have lost my impetus for the Rest of Africa Unknowns. 4.5K and an awful lot of, okay, it’s a tree, but then??

And thank you for your kind perseverance with the older sad and neglected obs :grin:

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That’s the good part about the set of tree obs I’m working on- 2 photos, one of them close/closer! And even a trained observer as a bonus! ;)


I signed up to do IDs for Baton Rouge for CNC. I’ll start after I finish uploading for gall week.


I think you can click “No, it’s as good as it can be” on those records that are at the complex level, and they’ll go to Research Grade. Anything at the genus level or below can be RG.

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Its a little weirder than that. I went through the entire flag thread talking about the addition, and its a bit complicated, but the extremely brief tl;dr (I think I understood this) was that both A. tricoccum and A. burdickii were previously both under A. tricoccum as subspecies. A. burdickii is now its own species, but that means there were a lot of research grade A. burdickii that hit that as A. tricoccum, and not subspecies level, so they didn’t make it to the taxa switch for A. burdickii.

I guess a complex was added because of this and because there’s some papers coming out that show the species might end up getting further in the near future? So a lot of A. tricoccum stayed research grade… except where the ranges overlap and they were bumped up to complex level to account for the potential A. burdickii misids. And that’s basically all of my state :broken_heart:

At least, I think that’s what happened, more or less, in summary? Its a very long thread and I’m far from a curator, so I’m sure some of its a little beyond me.

I can’t say I disagree with the change, honestly, I went through some pages of them last night and found some A. burdickii that had previously been ided as A. tricoccum - plus just vague fields of them that really should be at complex level because they’re lacking a couple key identifiers - it makes sense. It just means there’s a couple thousand observations that have to be looked through.


Tired of dicots.
From nurseries and gardens
That is all. sigh


Sometimes I forget that not all things are dicots and start typing it in the ID box out of habit. :laughing:https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/nature-inspired-memes/27300/267?


I already hearted that meme you made haha. Its perfect!

I found a few monocots and had to stop myself!


It’s why I went to saying Vascular Plants. My poor, tired brain can’t cope with deciding dicot/monocot/conifer/fern at the speed I feel I have to make IDs in order to make any progress.


This planty person is working thru animal pre-mavericks first. So much easier to bird / bug / beastlie instead of nee not a nother dodgy dicot :sob: