Yeah, to mix it up, I do that a lot, too … going through spider at oder or suborder level will usually bring up mostly the disagreements, because it is relatively rare that someone not knowing anything about spiders would ID them to e.g. Entelegynae, as this term is to specific and someone who knows something about spider ist usually able to get it a bit further then that.
Oh I see. I might come over there soon. Looking for Pisaurids that needs ID shows me 25 pages… seems some help with disagreements could be needed.
I already fell in love with Dolomedes schauinslandi… what a lovely name! “Schau ins Land” = “Look to the countryside!” …
I dug a bit. Seems to be named after Hugo Hermann Schauinsland, a german zoologist and Professor at the University in Bremen
Funny! That’s my go-to starting ID for house spiders
Yeah, every now and then I run into an entelegynae that has been suggested as such by the OP… But that is pretty rare. Entelegynae usually have at least two IDs… often disagreeing
Tempting URL, but 2.5K for me
I dare not start there!
Friday!! I have been plugging away clearing Unknowns from the Philippines that were made in the 2022 CNC. So many Unknowns! I am now the leading identifier - by far - for two CNCs there, which is sad, especially because I usually can’t get an ID down to anything finer than Ferns or True Crabs or Monocots.
And when I can’t bear to do that any more, I’ve been adding species-level IDs to plants in New England that are stuck at the genus level. Or marking them as Not Wild, if needed.
At least there’s no shortage of work to do.
Over yesterday and today I added IDs to over 300 observations that has at least one ID of Oenothera speciosa (Pinkladies) and another disagreeing ID not in the same family (Onagraceae). I noticed most of the mix ups were with bindweeds and mallows.
This is the URL I used: You can replace the taxon ID (in both places) to do something similar. Or you can use my link to get the ones that need a third ID.
i confirmed a lot of local needs ID Japanese climbing fern observations this morning, and I came home to find that one of the folks who had made a lot of those observations had added IDs to a lot of my old needs ID plant IDs. nice!
i found confused fungi people so started to expand beyond alabama to help folks in other areas with ones i’m confident in and know the range of
otherwise just keeping it fresh maintaining no alabama i havn’t reviewed; ran across someone i know in real life who made an account, so there’s that! add one to that number from the other thread hahaha.
also, I know that people don’t always like any competition aspect; but since i had most mushroom species this year i get two new ID books from AMS soooo there’s that :P :D here is to looking through my un-ID’d and seeing if i can key them out now!
Tackling a fresh 1.5K
Broad planty IDs from the Western Cape.
I love when that happens.
@joe_fish has posted a call for help with coral IDs at this thread, if anyone has those sorts of chops or is interested in something different.
If someone leaves a comment on one of their observations about how you have been “all over their observations leaving IDs” and seemingly not happy about it…would you use the block function for that person so you don’t annoy them with ID’s in the future, or ignore it and go about still IDing the taxa they seem to share a lot of that they’ll be mixed in with because it is a lot of what they post?
My autism is very confused here on what to do, so help would be nice. I don’t want to block but I don’t want to anger someone by IDing for them, but I’m confused as that’s…what iNat is for? I’m happy to also just ignore that and if they end up in my ID search again they’ll get an ID like everyone else. Should I rely on them to block me if they don’t want my ID help?
I had a user like that (first they came to my observation to start a talk on iNat rules, then after I was iding observation of an area, ided some of theirs observations), they wrote me a dm with many things, one of them was that I should stop iding their observations, I wrote back that it’d be easier for them to block me. Now this user is blocked on my profile, but if I will need to use it on someone else, I will, in hopes they blocked me and block still will be there.
thank you that is helpful - I will give it a bit and see if they reply to my comment trying to talk them down from being angry (explaining I ID hundreds a day, so no I don’t know who they are or that they are An Expert and I am sorry they took offense to my link for how to take better pictures for the taxa for ID purposes); if they read it as intended all may be fine and if not then I will just block so I don’t further offend & anger them
I haven’t had any such comments so far but I once received a complaint that I was adding IDs to poor quality observations thus diluting the value of observations on iNat or some nonsense like that. The observations in question were bulk observations from a class activity or similar, with many students observing the same plants over and over. Apparently the complainant felt that these didn’t deserve to be “rewarded” with IDs and had made it their mission to somewhat rudely reprimand everyone who did.
That isn’t very kind! Hopefully whoever that was gets over themselves! I do try to help the obvious young classroom IDs until I get frustrated - because I don’t want to be rude by accident and I can tell when my brain is getting flustered by it haha. I get it isn’t for everyone.
Actually, I would not worryy too much. If the other person is annoyed by your IDs (for what ever reason), it´s up to them to use the block function if they like.
Just use this function yourself, if this behaviour takes away from the fun of it for YOU. Thanks for all the IDing you do.
thanks for the spider ID’s!
Is this a new user? If so, maybe let them know that you’re subscribed to taxon X or identify in area Y, so their observations will appear in your ID feed. It may be helpful to point them to your ID map to show that they’re not being singled out (URL borrowed from topic: Your top 10 most identfied).
If it’s a seasoned user, would agree with @fffffffff that they can block you, if they want.
It’s absolutely normal for a small handful of people to do most of the IDs in an area, so I don’t see any problem with you being a top identifier for specific people in your area.
Edit: If there aren’t too many identifier URLs to bookmark, it’s possible to exclude one or more specific observers by tacking this on to the end:
Softer option than blocking, maybe?