I need to review again all Senna hebecarpa and Senna marilandica in a Bounding Box on the map, because I know I made some wrong comments/identifications on the basis of pods.
To perform the review again, I check the “Reviewed” box (otherwise no observation is displayed):
I think adding a “Mark All as Not Reviewed” button would be helpful (in addition to the “Mark All As Reviewed” button), otherwise I have no way to remember what are the observations I reviewed only once and what are those I already reviewed a second time (if I have to continue another day).
After you click Mark All As Reviewd and let it finish marking them, the button changes to Mark All As Unreviewed. It does require an extra step, but it’s there.
The 1st button “Mark All As Reviewed” is unexpected:
I have just reviewed 30 observations and a button proposes to mark them as reviewed?
(I guess I could have marked as unreviewed some observations, before reaching the 30th.
In that case the button could make sense).
This is counterintuitive.
Because I am reviewing already reviewed observations,
the 3rd button shoud be “View more reviewed”.
Or, more simply, the button shoud be always “View more”, in all possible contextes.
This is a cosmetic bug.
As you scroll through observations in the Identify modal, they only get marked as reviewed if you do something with them – add an ID or comment, explicitly mark as reviewed, etc. When someone just scrolls past to the next observation with an arrow key, it does not get marked as reviewed. One common workflow is to scroll through each one, identify or comment on a few of them, then mark all (the remainder) as reviewed after reaching the end of the page. So I think that is one of the major use cases for the button in your screen shot.
But I do agree, it would be helpful in all contexts to be able to go both ways, and not just after everything has been marked as reviewed. It is probably a less frequent use case, though, since most people want observations out of their review stream after they have finished interacting with them.