In "Explore" I can't select "Africa" as a continent

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Step 1: Select “Explore” from top menu

Step 2: in “Species”, enter any taxon. In “Location” enter Africa. None of the presented options is the African continent. They are all small localities.

Step 3: Click orange “Go” button. This used to take me to Africa, but doesn’t any more.

So what can I do?

The Location entry that you are using and the one in the Filters dropdown menu pull from different databases. All continents are available under Filters but not in the default location bar.


You can also just type “Africa” and hit Enter/Return. It won’t show up in the dropdown but it will work.


Use the filter for Africa.
That is how I do it.

Filters are (sensible) iNat places.
Location comes from the great Google, which doesn’t know Africa.