I was recently granted a research permit for blacklighting and nocturnal insect documentation within a park, and at the end of the permitted period, I need to provide the park with a report.
Can I filter the observations conducted under my research permit to create a report produced by iNat including my description/notes (weather details, dates, location) and most importantly, the documented species?
Have any other iNat users done this in the past?
Thank you.
When I did research on lizards in Grand Canyon a couple years ago I uploaded all of the observations from that trip. I was able to then filter my observations by location and date observed, export those observations, and submit an Excel spreadsheet with urls of each observation, which I could then annotate with things like weather. This way those data were public and immediately available for the park to see where and when those species occur. Probably the hardest part was the fact that my GPS had such poor reception that I had to add location data from my notes instead of the waypoints I would normally collect. Plus, it wasn’t just lizards I was able to observe, but plants and other animals as well. Here’s a link to over 500 observations from that effort…
That is more or less what I was thinking! Great.
Here is an example of one of my observations from last night, where I included weather and conditions information in the Description https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/260067458
Do you have one of those lizard observations you could share to take a look?
Yes see the above link. Each lizard was photographed on a scale/color standard with an ID I could link to the morphology data and the tissue sample collected from each, which were donated to the Biodiversity Collection at the University of Texas-Austin. Also, if anyone is interested in the scale/color standard, I made it in Powerpoint, saved as a pdf, printed out, and inserted in a dvd case. Message me with an email address and I can send the pdf.
Thank you, Pete