iNat In Singapore?

Next April, I hope to be sightseeing in Singapore for a couple days. I’ve seen comments here about what a fabulous opportunity this could be to see some special natural places. Could you recommend some to explore?

Any tips on hiking in the tropics ?

I will traveling with someone who enjoys walking, but isn’t an iNatter, so I want to be considerate of her time and interests. Are there places to iNat with multiple points of interest (views, cultural features, art)?


I was Singapore briefly for a workshop in 2020 and we were lucky to have local guides like johnascher and gancw1. Didn’t get to explore the non-nature sights much, but we went to a few urban parks which were good, and we also went to Dairy Farm Park, which was great. We hiked up to Bukit Timah peak (the highest point in Singapore), which was pretty steep and a good workout. I’d definitely recommend going to Pulau Ubin, which is a short water taxi ride from the east side of Singapore. Seeing mudskippers was magical.

As for hiking, I always wear lightweight hiking pants (not jeans) and make sure to bring a lot of water - you’ll be sweating bascially the entire the time. Good to have a light rain jacket as well, in case of showers.

There are a lot of iNatters in Singapore who’ll have much better advice, I’m sure. Have a fun trip!


I went last year and loved it. I was there for work but stayed extra days for iNaturalist. There’s quite a few nice parks that are right next to each other, like Windsor Nature Park, Thomson Nature Park, Chestnut Nature Park and Peirce Reservoir Park.

I had great luck at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. The botanical gardens are fantastic and had a lot to look at, and I mean excluding what was captive. That stuff was neat too but it had a lot of life around in general.


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