Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Android
App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About): 1.30.15
Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) :
URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:
Screenshots of what you are seeing (
Recently I have had an issue on my phone where Inat rotates all photos 90 degrees counterclockwise when I upload them.
Screenshot 1 shows the normal upright photo in my camera roll after taking a photo.
I then go to the iNat app and add an observation using the choose photo function.
I select the photo from my camera roll, then click add. (Screenshot 3)
Inaturalist takes me to the edit observation page where my photo appears on the top rotated 90 degrees. (Screenshots 2 and 4)
I can fix this issue for photos by editing the photo in the inaturalist app and rotating each one but this is time consuming when uploading multiple observations at a time.
Note: this does not affect screenshots.