iNatting in Palm Springs at the end of January

I’m going down to Palm Springs soon and would love some ideas of places to explore! I’d especially like to find some snakes and insects.

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Coachella Valley National Wildlife Refuge would be interesting. Sandy dune type habitat. Not sure how active stuff is this time of year though. There is also the Thousand Palms Oasis Preserve. That could be cool too.

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Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely check out Coachella Valley. Do you think January’s too cold for snakes, or might I still get lucky with a sighting?

Probably too cold for many snakes and insects but with how warm this winter is in California, who knows. You might get lucky and see one sunning outside a den on a rock.

Indian Canyon is also great, as is Big Morongo. But I’ve never been in January.

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Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely check those out and I hear it will be up to 77 degrees down there. Appreciate the help!

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