My Colombia visit

Hi, I arrive in Colombia Jan 23rd and am very keen to do some wildlife trips. I personally have a very keen interest in seeing snakes in the wild. I will be in Santa Marta for some days first and then not sure but probably Cartagena (though I can be flexible). Any guides available who know the habitat, have transportation, and a keen interest in looking for animals (specifically snakes). Am happy to pay

Also if anyone has any tips of where to spot the jaguar or a tapir in Colombia that would be much appreciated. Will of course be happy to pay for a guide

Thanks in advance for any help

My WhatsApp is 0044 7951 311552

Kind regards,


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Welcome to Colombia, good to visit us. Colombia is a country with a variety of climates so I suggest you take advantage and visit them all: tropical coast, mangrove, tropical rainforest, floodplains, paramo, foggy forest, snowfall, deserts.
Cartagena and Santa Marta are not good destinations for wild nature, they are traditional tourism of music beach and rumba. Traditional ecological destinations are gorgon island, amazon river, I suggest you visit the national natural parks.
Needless to warn eye with security still have such problems.

bienvenido a colombia , que bueno que nos visite. Colombia es un pais con diversidad de climas asi que le sugiero aproveche y los visite todos: costa tropical, manglar, selva humeda tropical, llanos inundables, paramo, bosque de niebla, nevados, desiertos. Cartagena y Santa Marta no son buenos destinos para naturaleza silvestre, son turismo tradicional de playa musica y rumba. Destinos ecologicos tradicionales son isla gorgona, amazonas, le sugiero visitar los parques nacionales naturales. No sobra advertirle ojo con la seguridad aun tenemos problemas de ese tipo.


Because this bit of the translation didn’t really come out right: “It’s worth mentioning, take care about your safety, we still have some problems of that sort” :)

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Hello Mr Frank this is Guillermo Nagy from Aramacao Tours in Colombia we are specialized at birdwatching and Nature experiences. Please let me know if I can be helpful with your visit. The destinations you mention are not the best spots for your requirements. WhatsApp +573053184585.

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