This is platform-independent issue that has been reported to both Mushroom Observer and to INat support by multiple users.
Description of problem
Step 1: Goto
Step 2: Fill in MO API Key
Step 3: Click “Test”
RESULT: 504 Gateway Time-out nginx
I hope the following will expedite a fix.
PS: It’s not safe to assume that the MO image has extension jpg
MO Webmaster
Oct 24, 2021, 8:19:42 PM
to, mo-developers
Dear iNat:
I poked around a bit in the iNat code. I don’t completely understand what’s going on, but I see some issues here:
image_url = "[{image[:id]}.jpg]([:id]%7D.jpg)"
and maybe here:
image_url = "[{image[:id]}.jpg]([:id]%7D.jpg)"
To get an MO image, external users should use a URL in the form:<*size*>/<*id*>.<*ext*>
Other URLs are not guaranteed to be stable and may break at some point down the line.
Line 293 above will certainly cause an error; we recently moved our image store from Digital Ocean to Google Cloud Platform. Digital Ocean’s response looks like:
I don’t know how the iNat code interprets that.
Line 303 above should not cause a timeout, but may cause a 404.
Please let us know if you think there’s a different problem, or if there’s something we can do to help isolate/debug the issue.
Again, it would help to know the details of the request that’s causing the 504 gateway timeout.
Best regards,
– Joe Cohen
MO Dev Team