Importer not working from Mushroom Observer?

Platform: website

Browser: Safari

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Description of problem: For a number of days now this feature hasn’t been functioning for transferring observations from MO to iNaturalist. Can this be made to work again? Thank you

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Can you include some relevant examples and/or screenshots? Do you get any error messages? When is the last time it did work for you?

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This is using an API key from Mushroom Observer and when I test the site first before running it fails and a screen comes on saying “I ate iNaturalist that’s why it’s not working”. The site address is The last time it did work for me was Mar. 2nd and periodically have used it in the past with no issues (except one other time when it was fixed). Thank you

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We’re looking into it.

A fix has been released. Is it working now?

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Yes, thank you, I appreciate it very much!!