iNaturalist Bingo: a monthly observation quest!

Bingo for February!

Thanks for this great diversion!


Me too! Watauga County, NC.


And yet the Dark-Eyed Junco on your card is the West Coast subspecies.

Well the thumbnail for the species has to be one of them. There’s no reason that the subspecies in the photo for the species has to be the nominate subspecies. Probably the person who chose it is from California, where iNaturalist got its start. I decided to change it to a photo of the nominate subspecies, because why not?

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LOL, I did it for Auckland and I already saw 12 of those last month! Maybe I should try completing the whole 25 species when I can spend time for them.

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just got bingo for February! I’m doing it for Germany since the taxa for berlin are really unlikely


What happened? AAAAHHH! All month, there was Anglepod up where Missouri Violet is. So today I drove out to the only place I knew that had Anglepods and got one! But for some reason it CHANGED to MISSOURI VIOLET! It’s the ONLY thing that changed!



I literally looked at it yesterday and Anglepod was still there. I was anticipating a time where I could go up to this place just so I could get a Bingo. So angry! TROLL GAME LOL

Violets aren’t even blooming yet :tired_face: :tired_face: :triumph:

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Well done to everyone who has got a bingo for Feb!

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I’m still working on my BINGO cards. I’m doing both my county and Big Thicket National Preserve. I’m going to a unit of the preserve outside my county today because I know I can find river cane there. We’re going to do a bird count for GBBC while we’re there too.

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Hmm… these cards are also a nice way to clean up species count of an area. My card of Bogota 2500m in the andes includes a marine sponge… well, went to clean up this observation. How long would it take for the card to not include the sponge anymore now?

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Ok, seems to update fast enough… but have a bit more clean up to do… was replaced by a “one-time-observation” of a cultivated plant that also does not naturally grow in the andes… :-D

EDIT: Unfortunately Bogota seems to have a problem with missing “not wild” marks… next replacement is also a cultivated plant:

… will go on later in cleaning this mess up…


Same thing happened to me!!! It probably happened because one of the species on the board was represented by only one observation and the ID got changed. I wish it would just replace that square rather than making a whole new card.

I did a screen shot so I could just use the photo as a reference. I made a trip and took photos there specifically so I could get bingo and now the board has changed! I picked that spot because I had seen river cane there when I visited before (my profile pic is from this trip). Now river cane isn’t even on the new card. I got 4th column bingo on this card I saved earlier.

At least I see that my home county card hasn’t changed. I need to find some Brazilian vervain to get bingo on that one.

Edit: I just check my nextdoor county (I’m near the border) which I was thinking about trying to get bingo on if I had time. But now the card is totally changed and a lot of the stuff is now the same species as my county. :(

Edit 2: I just figured it out! It’s because one of the species on each of the cards (Henslow’s Sparrow & NA River Otter) was auto obscured so when reloading the card they ended up outside of the place. @nornagon maybe you could filter the pool of species it chooses from to only use observations that have open privacy for March?

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I noticed that there is no continuity in the language:

E.g., when selecting Austria, the species are displayed in German,
however, changing the place to 'Österreich', ironically, the language switches to English:


Missed out for Feb, but maybe I will manage it for March…


Let’s start the March! I chose my town, so species are obtainable, but hard part all insects here are from my single observations and I won’t be able to find beetle larva again (and rice-eating beetles either, I threw them away).

I’ll be editing this post when I find something.


I think this game is a great way to find observations and other items on iNaturalist that need to be fixed. It really focuses in on species that haven’t been seen a lot. In some cases, that’s because the place, date, or cultivated status is incorrect. Then we can see if we can fix the issue with the observation. A super side benefit!

I just noticed that the photo of one of the plants on my card is incorrectly identified, or rather that the wrong plant was chosen for the cameo photo. Another thing to fix that I never would have noticed without this game.

Again, well done!


My home county and the Big Thicket preserve have a lot of snakes and insects this month. Much easier to get bingo with plants, fungi, and birds (and sometimes frogs). Previously for the southeast Texas card I was getting a lot of coastal birds and plants. I didn’t want to drive that far. This month though it looks like my best bet for getting bingo.

My next door county (I live near the border) has a lot of insects and snakes too but I might be able to get bingo on the second column. I know where to find those species in my home county, but i decided ticking them off here would be cheating.

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Yeah, this month my home county has a lot of odd bugs and such with only one observation. Most of these are actually my own, so maybe I can find them again, haha! Next week is spring break for us and I’ve been checking the cards for the local State Parks to get an idea where to hike. Turns out only one of them populates with 25 species. The others have only 20, 1 or zero species for the month of March. I can’t believe one of the State Parks closest to me has zero observations for March! It is up in the mountains so not much going on yet but I guess I’ll be hitting those targets with the goal to observe enough stuff to populate the Bingo cards for those locations!


Bingo card for Elk Knob State Park! There is indeed not a single observation on iNat for this location for March. Time to call out some helpers for a hike!