iNaturalist Next App Soft Launch for iPhones

The leaf icon represents species list view. If you tap it you can toggle to observations view (binoculars) which has list/grid/map views


Incredible work, thank you so much for doing this!

more discussion about the map view here
it exists but is hard to find currently.

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Will the new app remove the guide features as well? I can’t find them


That’s a bit non-intuitive and a little clunky, but it works.

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I just really hope they will put an automatic saftey feature to privatize and obscure rare species. to many people have used INat to poach rare animals.

this already exists.


I’d like to test the new iNat app, but I’ve found some problems because I don’t know where I need to go to download it through the website you’ve sent. Maybe it’s because it’s not compatible with my device?

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The new app looks great so far! Two things I hope are on the roadmap (or perhaps I just overlooked them):

  • ability to do annotations in the mobile app
  • ability to get app notifications corresponding to the notifications on the website

Is there a way to do sound observations?

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Hi Dan,
Yes, the new app supports sound observations. Tap the three lines, pick settings, and select the “All observation options” option (see screenshot).
Then when you tap the big green + button you’ll see a microphone icon as one of the options and can record a sound observation there.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: What does the white dot on map pinpoints indicate?

Big improvement – thank you!


Thank you so much! Finally!!!

I love the new Explore filters in the iNat Next app-
Especially that it allows us to select RG, Needs ID or Casual.

On the web version, we can’t select Casual from the filters- we have to change the URL. Sometimes finding casuals can be helpful, e.g. when you forgot to add dates or location.

I have one request which I don’t think others have mentioned.

As an explore filter, it would be nice to have ‘‘Unobserved by me’’ tick box. It would help what to look out for, especially for people who have observed most of the things they could find.

We need it for the web version too- at the moment we have to change the URL to do so.


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Do you have an example?

INaturalist has the geoprivacy feature ( . So certain taxa get their location obscured by default without people having to adjust the settings while uploading (for example Canis lupus

If you know any taxon that is threatened by poaching, go check and see if that taxon has its location obscured by default or not. Otherwise you can use the curation button on the taxon page notify the curators.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Does the app seem to slow down over time?

Just a heads-up that we released an update in the App Store today, version 0.46.0. See update notes in the App Store listing under “What’s New”.


Hello! I saw a cool article about sound observations on iNaturalist. Hoping we can have a Merlin like spectrogram in the future.

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With the link above :top:. How do I download it on my Android phone?