Include sort order options in explore in the app

Sometimes I like to use the app to browse what is currently being seen nearby. The default sort order appears to use the date added and not the date observed. I didn’t see any way to change it, only the option to filter results for specific dates selected on the calendar.

how often do you encounter recently added things that were not recently observed? I feel like this is rather rare in my area, but maybe it isn’t the same elsewhere.

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Quite often… when users add many years worth of older observations all at once or in chunks over time. Also some existing power users spread out adding observations until they have time, or wait until after they’ve identified the species themselves. Probably much more common in people that are not using the app to submit observations.


I would like to add my support for this feature, and in particular the ability to reorder my own observations by date observed rather than date added. With the current lockdown restrictions in my area, myself and a number of other users are taking the time to upload older sightings. However my uploading in the past was sporadic and it’s difficult to see what I have already uploaded (maybe there’s another solution to this particular issue).
I have also noticed recently people leaving comments on observations such as “Could you go back and get any more photographs?”, and the reply is often “Sorry, this was 4 years ago”.

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