Sort observations from oldest to newest on mobile app

I searched and did not see this addressed. I am aware that you can sort observations from oldest to newest on the desktop version, but I don’t see this option on the mobile app (I use Android).

I have tried turning Unknown observations into a coarse ID on my phone, and unwittingly made the mistake of adding a coarse ID when the person was doing a large upload, just to have them put the finer ID down minutes later. I have tried just scrolling down for a while, but the mobile app seems to reach a limit of how many observations it will load in a given session, so it doesn’t work so well.

Sounds like a separate feature request, if you could please make a new topic. Thanks!

Just to clarify, you are asking for this to be implemented in the Explore tab of the mobile app?

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Yes. I don’t know of any other way to search other people’s observations on the mobile app.

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It is possible to toggle between upload date and observed date in the android app, as you can on a PC?

I am interested in this for my own observations. I don’t always upload in order but it would be useful when looking at app in the field.

If you use the ‘Explore’ tab in the app with the filters ‘my observations’, ‘date start to end’ and ‘descending’ it ought to work. (I translated the terms from the Dutch version, but I think you get the jist.)

The main ‘observations’ tab can’t be sorted as far as I know.


Thank you! That worked a treat!

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I’m going to close this, as the Explore page in the current Android app and the upcoming app will serve this purpose.

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