Incomplete coverage of a Spanish region

Hi. While looking for certain species records for Lanzarote and Fuerteventura I found that these island are not covered if “Canary Islands” is used to search.

Is this just an error or is there a particular reason why theyve been left out?

Seems to be an “Error”, you can crosspost that into Bug Reports.

Welcome to the forum @sandyrae!

The place you searched is specifically the “dry forests” region of the Canary Islands, so the two arid islands are left out.

You should use this place to search if you want all of the islands to be included:

You could also use the box or circle tool to draw a shape on the map and filter more specifically, as that would also work in this situation:


It seems that typing Canary Islands in the dropbox (see my screenshot) links only to the dry forests, which is a little misleading.
Much obliged for the link though. I now know how to work around this issue👍

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Thanks pisum :grin:

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