I put this in general because I don’t know if there’s a way of doing this, but if not it may be more appropriate for feature requests. I’ve been using iNaturalist for a few years now and something I’ve wanted to do but not known how to do is some more complicated searches.
I’m having a hard time articulating what I’m trying to say, but searches that consider more than one area and include a little logic component would I think be pretty handy. For example, if I wanted to search for birds in Louisiana that have not been observed in Mississippi or something of the like. The opposite could be just as helpful, amphibians that have been observed in both Harris County and Bexar county. It’d also be a handy feature if you could consider your own observations for something like this. If you were going on a trip for example, you could search for observations in the area you’re going to that you don’t already have. Mammal species observed in California not observed by [username] or something like that.
So hopefully that made sense. My question is basically, is there an existing way to do that? If not, I think it’d be a fun addition.