Hello! I’m an information designer and I teach data visualization in a few courses. In the past, I’ve already used iNaturalist data for exercises and tutorials. This year, I would love to assign students a project where they use iNaturalist data to create visualizations that communicate insights about biodiversity. I know, it’s quite a broad topic but I would like to know if there are researchers/biologists/educators that would love talk about this and maybe collaborate. I’m from Italy and it would be lovely to find inaturalist projects on the territory that needs design students to help them visualize and narrate their reserch.
The possibilities are limitless!
Could you share some links to iNat-related data visualizations that you or your students have created?
This could inform our suggestions.
Hi Adam.
Here is a website a group of students did in a past course to talk about “invasive” species in the Adriatic Sea. For each species you can see a geographic visualization that shows where the species are also present… The rest of the website talk about what caused the arrival of “invasive” species and how climate change is affecting the region. (sorry the website is in italian only) https://information-design-lab.github.io/bestiario-dell-adriatico/bestiario.html
Non fare una piega, Giorgio! With the wonders of modern technology, I just click “translate” in Safari, and I can read your website. What a time to be alive!
@thomaseverest and @lj_l I did spot a mollusk on the page: Spotted Seahare Aplysia dactylomela
Hi @giorgio215
Look at the thread How do you use iNaturalist data with students. There might be some ideas and contacts there.