Platform: iOS 12.5.4
App version number: 3.2.1, build 641
If I open any observation in the iPhone app, go to the middle tab (∙∙∙), and hit SUGGEST ID, I’m taken to a screen where I can look up species or select from CV suggestions. It looks like this:
Most times, as far as I can find, there’s no way to cancel out of that screen; I have to select an ID (or close the app). Once I select an ID, I’m sent to a screen where I can CANCEL or SAVE, but the only option on the CV suggestion screen itself is EDIT, which doesn’t actually seem to do anything.
Occasionally, but not reliably, I can start typing in the lookup field, then hit Cancel, and be thrown to the CANCEL/SAVE screen, but usually I’m just returned to this screen. I think there should be a clear way to cancel out of the CV suggestion screen, directly back to the observation.