I like that the Dashboard entries related to notifications include more than they used to, but I still find that I have to click “View Observation” most of the time. I have my account settings set to not receive confirming IDs, but I still get notifications of IDs that merely refine my own. In the following example my dashboard tells me that someone ID’d an insect, and I know that that ID does not exactly match mine, but I don’t know whether the new ID is in conflict with mine or not. So then I need to hit “View Observation” to make sure that my higher-level ID doesn’t conflict with the new one. It would be really helpful to me to have my ID included in the Dashboard entry so I wouldn’t have to open these types of observations, so I’m just asking whether that would be possible. Thanks.
It is a little silly to have the “Agree?” button when you have already given the same ID. If nothing else that could be addressed, but I agree that it would be very beneficial to explicitly see if the new ID is already in agreement with your own.
For clarification I didn’t already agree to the species. This observation was in State of Matter Life when I found it, and I indentified as “Insects” to move it along. (Usually with insects my range of knowledge goes only as low as family.)
You may not have in this case, but it does function where the agree button is available when you have already identified an observation as the same thing, example:
The “show more” button usually clears up whether or not my ID is in agreement to the most recent ID. Only rarely do I have to go to the actual observation itself.
It’s still click-scroll down-click again to get back to the dashboard either way, though, whether it’s “view observation” or “show more” that is used. It would be a lot faster to just be able to scroll down the dashboard nonstop and then wipe out all the notifications at once.
I am puzzled by why one would need to “click-again to get back to the dashboard” as the “Show more” button does not take me away from the dashboard. Am I missing something?
Above is before clicking the Show more
After clicking Show more that entry expands downward, but I am still in my dashboard and can see if I was a disagreeing identification. Again, my apologies if I am misunderstanding the issue!
No, you are right. Using “Show More” instead of “View Observation” does reduce the clicks to one per observation, instead of three. Thanks for correcting me on that.
It still seems unnecessary to me to even have to be notified of non-conflicting IDs, especially since the notifications don’t disappear when using “Show More.” I would like a setting to make this optional.
Since it isn’t optional, I will probably just unfollow observations on a case-by-case basis as I put higher-level IDs on them from now on. Then I won’t get the notifications, which would solve both the problem of getting unwanted notifications in the first place and the problem that the notification doesn’t disappear using “Show More.”
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