Is there a way to view agreeing IDs while only getting notifications of disagreeing IDs?

To keep things manageable, I’ve set my account to only receive notifications of disagreeing IDs. But every so often, I do want to see IDs that are in agreement. I don’t want notifications of them, I just want to see a list of IDs by others that agree with mine. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Can it be done through the IDs tab?

It’s easy to find your observations that reached Research Grade. That’s not quite what you’re asking about, though, is it.

No, basically I want the option to see all activity, including “agreeing” IDs on observations I’ve identified, but keep my notifications set to only disagreeing IDs, comments, mentions, etc.

I wonder if this should be a feature request.

You could see agreeing identifications as they occur by setting your account so that you see them. (I do that. So I get more than 200 notifications most days, nearly overwhelming, but the agreeing ones that send the observation to RG are easy to scroll past if I want to, and I usually do.) You could see agreeing and any other identifications by opening individual observations, but you’d have to go one at a time. Perhaps you could set the notifications to report only agreeing ID’s, but then you’d have to set the account so it wouldn’t report other events, like disagreeing ID’s.

I suspect that if there’s a way to do what you seem to want, it will involve playing with the, I don’t know what they’re called, the mini computer program lines that get things done. Obviously I have no clue how to do this, but @pisum is highly skilled.

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maybe when the long-awaited update the notifications system is implemented, you’ll be able to get this. in the meantime, if you’ve turned off agreeing ID notifications, there’s not a perfect way to get back to those, especially since you have so many IDs.

to get the closest to your answer, you’d probably have to get observations from the API where ident_user_id=[you] and order_by=update_at. this will give you the most recently updated observations that you’ve identified. you’d have to keep getting results until the last set has observations updated prior to a date that you care about. then once you have that all those observations combined in one big set, you’d have to parse through the identifications for each observation, and you’d probably filter for just the observations where the last identification is not yours (or something similar to that, such as where there is an identification or comment after your identification).

then there’s the question of how you want to display the information…

i’m not aware of anything existing that runs a workflow quite like this, but if you can code, could do what i’ve described above to get your answer.

i wrote something the other day (Python) that might have the bones that get you very close to the what i’m describing and would just need to be adapted in a few key places. it’s still a work in progress, and i was planning to overhaul some of it to make it more efficient, but what’s there right now should still work. (see the link in the original post in this thread:


Another imperfect solution is to look at “improving” IDs on your identifications page. It’s not an exact fit or sortable, but you can narrow it by taxon.


Thanks, yes those are both good approaches. This isn’t really a big deal, just something I’ve been wondering since in general I don’t care to see confirming IDs, but occasionally I do.

One other option is to scroll through your observations in the app. It will show a pink flag for any activity, whether it’s agreeing or not and I have my notifications set to only show disagreements too.

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Just FYI feature requests for changes to notifications aren’t currently being accepted. iNat solicited input on the general topic several years ago and is working on a long awaited revamp, but there won’t be any piecemeal changes until then.

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I’m eager to see what gets implemented. Lately I’ve been thinking it’d be nice to get a notification when one of my Needs ID observations makes RG.


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