Common name in a particular place

When a species has several common names in a language, and these names have been registered without place preference, the first name always appear, whatever the place you are in. It is not possible to make a modification so that the common name in one place will be the one in use in this place. Example : Epinephelus merra, has different common names in French, depending on the place. It is known as “Loche rayon de miel in New Caledonia, but on iNat it is Mérou rayon de miel”.

I can reproduce when setting my account region to NC and language to french. I confirmed that the name “Merou rayon de miel” does not have NC set as its place and “Loche rayon de miel” does.

Yes, now it is “Loche rayon de miel”. It was not the case this morning when I did the screen capture. Anyway, I could not make that change. I guess a curator did.
Thanks to the team.

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I still have the same problem. I want to register common names in use in my place (New Caledonia). If the name is not already registered for this species in iNat, I can do it, no problem. If the namealready exists, among other french names, for this species, I cannot choose which name is the right one for New Caledonia.

What should I do?

I see the right name if I choose French for my account’s locale and New Caledonia for my names place preference:

What you might need to do is clear your browser’s cache or perform a hard reset on any pages you might have loaded before the name change.

Only site curators can edit existing common names. If you’re trying to add a name that’s the same as the existing one for a lexicon, you won’t be able to.


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