Is there a way to find observations with still-obscured coordinates in a traditional project?

I want to find observations in our traditional project that we still do not have access to true coordinates for to try to see if some members haven’t trusted the project. I could do proxies of taxon and regular geoprivacy, download observations, winnow out any with private lat longs, and then see members’ names, but was hoping for something more straightforward.

I think finding the observations would take some API scripting. However, as a project manager (admin, curator) you can see a list of all members with a column indicating their level of trust. On your project home page, click on the number of members in the top right corner, which gives you a drop-down list of members. Scroll to the bottom of that list, and there’s a “View all members” link. That page lists your members and has a column titled “Hidden Coordinate Trust.”
You can also go there directly from your project main page simply by adding “/members” to the project URL in the navigation bar.

That would be awesome and I’ve wanted that for forever! But I’ve been a manager for years and never seen that column and just made myself a curator and still can’t, but maybe I’m misinterpreting something? When I click on any members link that takes me here, I don’t see any sort of “dropdown” per se and do not see any “Hidden Coordinate Trust” column. If you can figure out what’s up, which is likely user error, I’d appreciate it!

Sorry! I just did some experimenting on projects I admin, and that seems to be a difference between (some) collection projects, which do show the column I was describing (but only if the project creator ticked the checkbox that allows members to trust the project), and traditional projects, which don’t show it. I had foolishly assumed that the members page would be the same for both types of projects. Perhaps a feature request to make them the same would be appropriate.

For example, you should see that column here:

Thanks again. I would love to have that in traditional projects. I’ll check, if you haven’t to see if there’s a feature request yet.

I realized that I’d never seen that members page for the box turtle project and I remember looking for a link for one as in a traditional project. It took me a while to figure out that I had to click on members, which I’d done a bunch of, but then scroll down to the bottom of the dropdown. Is there no other way to access that, as that was not at all intuitive.

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