Our town is using data from all observation done in our town and keeping both an iNat project (thank you folks for this wonderful option) AND we are downloading extracts to keep in a town-based database.
As we all know - one can “observe” something in 2019 and in 2022 winter - it is reviewed by a knowledgeable person and they agree with your ID/observing it as the same species - thus it becomes “research grade”. In our town we focus first on research grade species, then pick through the rest as many things can’t go to “species” by just a picture and yet are valuable for us to know about.
My question is - is there a way to track NEWLY done research grade designations? Or a way to track newly identified by others since a certain date?? If we do a query Jan 1 2018 to Aug 20 2021 and then do another one Aug 21 2021 to Feb 6 2022. We will miss anything observed before 2021 that might have become confirmed or agreed upon. What do others do with this conundrum. It is hugely difficult in a large number of observations to do a comparison. Thanks!