I’ve volunteered to keep an updated species list for a project in iNat. I downloaded into a spreadsheet the project’s more than 700 species (or higher taxa, when observations haven’t been identified to species yet). When the project’s species count rises, as observations are made, I manually add new species to this sheet.
However, when the project’s species count drops, likely because of a changed ID, I’m stymied. If the change has happened in a recent observation, it’s sometimes possible to find and address it. But if the ID change has happened in a much earlier observation, I haven’t found a way to track it.
Has anyone found a way to deal with a situation like this? I welcome your thoughts.
PS If you’re not sure what to write in the URL, give me the name of the project and the name of the species and I will write the updated version for you.
I tried that process out, but the manual comparison turned out to be very time-consuming.
Prompted by your idea, I think I’ve found a solution that will work: I can download a list of observations for the project and include “updated_at” as one of the columns. (New IDs are included in this, it turns out.)
Then I can sort observations by that column (most recent to least recent), and figure out which new IDs changed the number of species reported for the park.