Journal posts have lost formatting

based on some of these new examples, i’ve been able to reproduce at least one case where paragraphs are lost. basically, it looks like everything between 2 of the same kind of list (2 bulleted or 2 numbered, not 1 bulleted + 1 numbered) will lose paragraph formatting in between.


for easy reference, here’s some text that you can paste into a journal to start debugging with:

List 1
1. point 1
2. point 2

In between Paragraph 1

In between Paragraph 2 

In between Paragraph 3 

List 2
1. point 1
1. point 2

Extra paragraph 1

Extra paragraph 2

Extra paragraph 3

UPDATE: i looked at this a little more when i had a little more time, and the only workarounds i can think of are:

  1. limiting the number of lists in a given journal post. (at most, you can have a single bulleted list + a single numbered list.)
  2. forcing all affected paragraphs to h5 by using html tags <h5> </h5> or markdown prefix ##### . this isn’t technically correct since h5 is not equivalent to p, but they look the same or at least very similar in most cases.
  3. using a structure other than an actual list. you could accomplish the same thing as preformatted text or something like that, but it just won’t look as pretty as an actual list.

that said, given a journal post with multiple bulleted lists or multiple numbered lists, all paragraphs between the first and last such lists in a journal post will lack the proper paragraph formatting. this has to be resolved via a code fix, i think. so @tiwane and crew will probably need to take the ball at this point.

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