"Leaderboard" Button on Species (Taxon) Page / Filtering Problem

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): Website

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : Chrome

Description of problem

Started about 2 days ago.

Step 1. Go to any given “Species” page and “Filter by Place” in the upper right (1st screenshot below, “Bent-lined Dart” filtered for “United States”).

Step 2. On the “Species” page, click the green “Leaderboard” button. It’ll send you to the “Observations” page, but with the results filtered incorrectly (2nd screenshot below, filtered for Lane County, Oregon, instead of the United States).

Note that from the “Species” page, if you click the green “View All” button, it’ll send you to the “Observations” page, but with the results filtered correctly (3rd screenshot below, filtered for “United States” just like the “Species” page).

This “Leaderboard” button issue is very consistent, doesn’t matter what species.

Filter = North America
Leaderboard Button = Idaho

Filter = Europe
Leaderboard Button = The World

Filter = New York
Leaderboard Button = District of Columbia


I can confirm (website, Firefox) – when pressing the leaderboard buttons on a taxon page with a place set, the leaderboard comes up with a different place filter. To add to the list of strange remappings:

Taxon Page Filter = Oregon
Leaderboard Page Filter = Kansas

When no place is set on the taxon page (thus showing worldwide leaders), the leaderboards all map to “Oregon” (my default place) rather than the World. Can someone else try this to see if it is always “Oregon” or always the user’s default place?

Very strange bug, should be easy to track down.

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For me right now,

Taxon Page Filter = No Place Set
Leaderboard Page Filter = Worldwide

I never thought about it very hard before it stopped working, but I think the Taxon Page / Leaderboard button process sometimes wound up using a filter you had open on another tab? Maybe I’m wrong. Could be what’s happening for you with no Taxon Page filter?

Agreed it should be pretty easy to track down; I waited a couple of days to report, to see if it would go away! :slightly_smiling_face:

I just saw this same bug. I had the filter on “Mexico” for the genus Roldana (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/156248-Roldana), clicked “Leaderboard”, and it switched to “Illinois”. I just tested this again and the exact same thing happened, so it’s reproducible.

I don’t think I’ve ever filtered on Illinois, so the “using a filter from another tab” hypothesis doesn’t seem to fit here.


Platform: Website Browser: Chrome

URLs: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/47392-Coprinus-comatus with place set to: Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park, US, CA
I select Top Identifier LEADERBOARD. it takes me to https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?verifiable=true&taxon_id=47392&place_id=6e13c159-0628-4e8a-9eb9-71710dcf8540&preferred_place_id=1&view=identifiers
If place is set to USA - ID Leaderboard is for LANE County, OR
If place is set to N. America - ID Leaderboard is for IDAHO.
MN is Virginia
ND is Massachusetts
OH is St Martin Louisiana
I could go on…

On any Taxa Page, enter a place. Then select Top Identifier Leaderboard. The leaderboard page opens with a different place. i.e. China taxa pages open a Wright County, Missouri Leaderboard. I does not mater which taxa page you are on, China will always open Wright Co., MO.

It might be helpful to include some screenshots, because what you are describing does not happen for me. If I set the place to “Australia” then open the identifier leaderboard, I get The World leaderboard. Tried with a couple of different species, with the same outcome.

Actually, I tried it with location set to China, and it did do what you described!

Further investigation - Using “Australia” as the place seems to work OK, but if I use the state I live in, “Victoria, AU”, I get the leaderboard for Massachusetts. But the next state, “New South Wales, AU”, gets the world leaderboard. South Australia gets the leaderboard for Virginia.

Definitely very weird. Made a github issue here: https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/issues/4292

Also, the Rosie the Riveter center is awesome!

(moved the above four posts to this topic)

3 posts were split to a new topic: People tab on Place Page doens’t load