Link observations in iOS app

Is there a way to link two or more different observations in the iOS app? Is there a way to find the iNat url for an observation within the app?

I’ve looked, but if it’s there I missed l it.
Thanks for any advice.

I wonder, have you tried holding down on the title of the observation and seeing if copy link pops up?

I just tried it. Although the field turns grey when held down, it goes to the information page when released. There is no observation ID or URL that’s accessible, that I can see.

There is a share button in the top right of the observation (once you’ve uploaded it to the database). When you tap that, scroll down, and there is an option “Copy” - that will copy to your clipboard the URL of the observation.

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Yes that worked! I might question if the little share square, which tends to get lost in the photo background, is sufficiently clear for this purpose…

But, even if not very obvious for this purpose, it does work.

@bouteloua thank you!

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