go to your Android home screen, find the iNaturalist app icon, and long press it (press and hold down). when the app menu pops up, tap on App Info, then Permissions, and then Location.
in the Location Permission settings for the iNat app, do you have the Use Precise Location option toggled on or off?
what i see in your observation is that the coordinates captured in the metadata in your photos puts them in Sorrento, near where Ocean Ave forks into Ocean + Kearsarge Ave. (this means that your phone’s default camera app is getting the correct location that Android determines periodically while location services are turned on.)
but the location saved in your observation appears to be the same as the location you captured previously in your screenshot above:
besides the coordinates being far away from the coordinates captured in the photos, the other strange thing about this particular location is that it’s reporting the accuracy value to be exactly 2500m, which is an oddly round number for an accuracy value derived from an actual calculation of your location.
the way the iNat app should normally calculate your location is that once you’ve captured the first photo and returned to the observation input screen, the app should start trying to narrow down your location. normally, the app should automatically keep refining the location until it reaches an accuracy value of 10m or less, unless that process is interrupted. the fact that your value is much greater than 10m suggests that if the location was determined via this process, it was interrupted. but then it’s still an odd location because your first photo already puts you in Sorrento, and it would be strange that the app would then start calculating your location in Bar Harbor (as opposed to somewhere near Ocean and Kearsarge Ave).
the oddly round 2500m accuracy value suggests that the location was not picked by you searching for a place by name. so then my only thoughts are either:
- Android is somehow giving your iNat app an approximate location while giving your camera app a precise location (but it would be weird that in your earlier post you indicated that it was able to then get your precise location when you clicked on the current location button), or
- you’re somehow setting the location based on some sort of saved pinned location. (i’m not sure how this would even happen from the app unless you’re using some sort of strange workflow to create the observation though.)
if your iNat app was set to get a precise location, and you don’t have a saved location at Bar Harbor, then my only other suggestion is to get log the log file for 14 July 2023, and send that to help@inaturalist.org, referencing this forum thread. you can create a log file by going to the About screen in the iNat app, and tapping 3 times on the version number that you see on that screen.