Make captive/cultivated not automatically "no ID needed"

I’ve recently become interested in pest species like aphids and galls. Many of these need an ID of the host to get a good ID for the pest, but if you post a cultivated plant nobody will see it or ID it. I know they can find it if they want, but they just won’t. Quickly someone marks it as cultivated and it’s quietly ignored indefinitely.

I think the Casual tag should be applied at the same step as the RQ tag, when it has a confirmed ID (or it is marked Cannot Be Improved), before that just list the observations with everything else that needs ID. I know that will mean a lot of zoo animals get listed for ID, but most of those can get two IDs in minutes then go away from the general search.

In my opinion this would help a lot with building interest in iNat and keeping users. I see first time users regularly that post a few garden plants, that never get an ID because they are Casual and they never come back. Maybe they would have lost interest after a day or two anyway, but hiding their posts from the general user makes people feel ignored and certainly discourages people from coming back. Making new users feel included is important to retaining those new users, it’s one of the reasons I like to add IDs to neglected parts of the world.

TLDR; Lots of a hard to ID wild species are associated with cultivated species. Motivating the iNat user base to ID those cultivated species will have a direct impact on positively IDing their wild associations.