Make tabs sticky when viewing a collection project

Platform: website:
URL: any collection project, e.g. or

Currently when following a link to a collection project, the project always opens in the Overview tab. While this is probably appropriate when first looking at a project, for many users the Species tab is probably where the most interesting information is to be found. Would it be possible for the site to remember the last tab viewed, so if you last looked at the Species tab on a given project, it will automatically open in Species on your next visit? Not a huge change but it would make it just that little bit quicker for users to get to the aspects of the project that are of most interest to them.

I approved this but I suspect it’s not scalable as laid out here. It would mean having to remember the last tab you used for every collection and umbrella project you visit, which would be a lot of data to store per user. “Stickyness” in general works at a more generic scale, such as “alec_mcclay wants to see satellite view for all maps”.

So I think what could work is similar to how stickiness works for taxon pages: iNat remembers which tab you had open the last time you visited a project page and loads that tab for every project you visit until you change it.

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Hmm, I hadn’t thought about the scaling from that point of view. I guess I don’t look at a lot of different projects so it wouldn’t need to remember a lot of settings for me. But I suppose others might be different. What you suggest sounds like a reasonable amendment. Or how about if it remembered the setting for the last n projects you visit (where n = maybe 6 or so), after that they drop off the memory list.

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If it stuck to ‘species for projects’ as it does ‘satellite view on maps’ - that would work for me.
@alec_mcclay vote for your own feature request ?


Oh yes - voted now!

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